The international community has sought to limit or ban-transshipment at sea due to the difficulty it poses in monitoring IUU fishing and controlling i...
This report reviews the transshipment measures of the five tuna RFMOs plus SEAFO and CCAMLR. Although each tuna RFMO generally prohibits at-sea transs...
Stop Illegal Fishing's (SIF) mission is to combat IUU fishing, particularly in coastal African countries. To complete this goal, SIF has partnered wit...
This report highlights the myriad of duties tasked upon the U.S. Coast Guard and the need to improve the human and financial resources to meet the gro...
This Convention seeks to develop the principles embodied in resolution 2749 (XXV) of 17 December 1970 in which the General Assembly of the United Nati...
This publication, which contains the basic texts of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, was first issued in 1972. Rev...
The treaty requires that fishing vessels request permission to dock at a port and inform the port of the details of its fishing operations. Permission...
Determined to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use, in particular for human food consumption, of highly migratory fish stocks in the ...
The objective of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement is to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of straddling and highly migratory fish stoc...
The Antigua Convention, which was negotiated to strengthen and replace the 1949 Convention establishing the IATTC, entered into force on 27 August 201...
The Agreement outlines the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) within the framework of the FAO, the area of competence and specie...
The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) is an intergovernmental organisation responsible for the conservation and sustain...
The objective of this Convention is the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources. This Convention applies to the Antarctic marine living reso...