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Recommended Best Practices for RFMOs

This is the report of an Independent Panel tasked with developing a model for improved governance by RFMOs. The mandate of the Panel was to develop a model for improved governance by RFMOs based on an analysis of the requirements of international fisheries instruments and best practice in their application. The basic intention was that the model should not only be capable of providing guidance for assessing RFMO performance in relation to international fishery instruments and identifying possible strategies for improving performance but should also address important new and emerging issues of concern.

Squid Capture in the Northwest Indian Ocean - Unregulated Fishing on the High Seas

This report discusses the rapid expansion of squid fishing in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Convention Area. The vessels appear to operate exclusively in the high seas, avoiding exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and therefore falling within an area beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ).
The area of operation, although physically within the area covered by the regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO), the IOTC, does not fall within its area of competence as only tuna and tuna like species are included within the IOTC mandate. The squid fishery presented in this report, based on analysis of data from January 2015 to April 2017 is therefore unregulated.
Squid are important prey for 12 predatory species including significant species such as bigeye tuna and swordfish. A clear understanding of sustainable yields is needed and management frameworks are required to sustainably manage this fishery.

A Review of Management and Reporting Trends Related to Transshipment Occurring in the WCPFC (2018)

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) has seen staggering growth in transshipment activity within its Convention Area. Using publicly available information on transshipment
operations within the WCPF Convention Area, this report highlights the issues of inconsistent data from Observers, insufficient data sharing among the tRFMOs and recognises the need for additional management rules and data verification in order to maximise transparency and minimise the potential for IUU fish to be laundered into the market.

A Review of Management and Reporting Trends Related to Transshipment Occurring within the IOTC Convention Area

This paper summarises publicly available transshipment data to address the increasing number of high transshipment events occurring in the IOTC’s convention area. The report highlights the 94% increase in high seas transshipment between 2014 and 2018 the insufficient monitoring of transshipment activities and the current issues with and loopholes in Resolution 18-06 which reduce the effectiveness of the monitoring of transshipment activities.

Best Practices for Transshipment - Global Reforms to Policies for Transferring Catch at Sea would Help Combat Illegal Fishing

The PEW Charitable Trusts discusses best practice ways to monitor transshipment in an effort to identify and mitigate IUU fishing. This information sheet recommends and outlines best practices actions relating to reporting and monitoring transshipment events and the sharing of transshipment data among relevant parties.

Collective Best Practices for Well-Managed at Sea Transshipment

This report highlights three facets of transshipment as sea where improvements can be made to increase transparency, they include, management best practices, data reporting best practices, and monitoring best practices. The policies include 100 percent observer coverage either human or electronic for all at-sea transshipment events, require information on all at-sea transshipment events to be shared with the relevant RFMO, prohibit vessels from acting as both a fishing vessel and carrier vessel on the same trip and a multitude of other policies that fisheries can work towards implementing.

Observer Reporting of Transshipments in WCPFC (2019)

This 2019 report discusses the need for Observer reporting of transshipments to provide data to the tRFMOs that is independent and reliable from both the carrier vessel and the fishing vessel. The report highlights the issues surrounding Observer reporting in the WCPF Convention Area and the responsibilities of all stakeholders including the tRFMOs, the flag States and the coastal States in relation to monitoring vessels who transship on the high seas.

Potential Ecological and Social Benefits of a Moratorium on Transshipment on the High Seas

RFMOs have the role of managing fisheries on the high seas. However, they have been under scrutiny before in their conservation of fish and monitoring and enforcing legislation. With transshipment at high seas becoming an increasingly salient issue, strong RFMO enforcement is ever more needed. This study examined all RFMOs' regulations and gave them a score on stringency. While RFMOs have not become less stringent since the late 1990s, the study concludes that a moratorium on transshipment at sea is needed to alleviate the lack of comprehensive monitoring, control, and surveillance.

Strengthening Transshipment in Tuna RFMOs - 2019

This report reviews the transshipment measures of the five tuna RFMOs plus SEAFO and CCAMLR. Although each tuna RFMO generally prohibits at-sea transshipment except for large-scale longline fishing vessels with 100% observer coverage on the carrier vessels, their relationship, the report finds, with other MCS measures leaves multiple gaps and shortfalls. Through the analysis of non-tuna RFMO transshipment measures in critical comparison to the many shortfalls found with existing measures in tuna RFMOs, the report gives detailed recommendations to improve and strengthen tuna RFMO transshipment regulations.

Survey of Tuna Transshipment in Pacific Island Countries

In a study commissioned by the Pacific Islands Foreign Fisheries Agency (FFA), transshipment and purse seine vessels are analyzed concerning the benefits accrued to Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The study finds that transshipment at port has not brought increased revenue in the past 18 years (as of the time of writing.) As gross revenues have not increased, neither have transshipment fees; PICs could benefit from standardizing fees not only to increase revenues but also because these fees help support monitoring and fisheries management efforts. High seas longline transshipment is there to stay for PICs, it makes financial viability possible for the fishing industry, but PICs must continuously monitor where transshipment is happening, and what benefits are accrued.

The Impracticability Exemption to the WCPFC's Prohibition on Transshipment on the High Seas

The international community has sought to limit or ban-transshipment at sea due to the difficulty it poses in monitoring IUU fishing and controlling its effects. The WCPFC has banned purse seine vessels operating within the WCPFC Convention Area; however, for longliners and other vessels, the WCPFC merely encourages them to conduct transshipment at sea to the extent practicable. Despite proper infrastructure at port, a precedent of other vessels conducting transshipment at port, and insignificant costs, CCMs have used the "impracticability" test to continue transshipping at sea. This paper proposes replacing the "impracticability" test with bright-line rules to put an end to CCMs' patterns of transshipment at sea.

Transshipment-Strengthening Tuna RFMO Transshipment Regulations - 2018

This report reviews the transshipment measures of the five tuna RFMOs plus SEAFO and CCAMLR. Although each tuna RFMO generally prohibits at-sea transshipment except for large-scale longline fishing vessels with 100% observer coverage on the carrier vessels, the report discusses the relationship with other MCS measures leaves multiple gaps and shortfalls. Through the analysis of non-tuna RFMO transshipment measures in critical comparison, the report gives detailed recommendations to improve and strengthen tuna RFMO transshipment regulations.

Transshipment in the Western and Central Pacific - Greater Understanding and Transparency of Carrier Vessel Fleet Dynamics would Help Reform Management

This report analyzed the movements of carrier vessels operating in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Convention area in 2016. Through analysis of AIS data, the report identified carrier vessel voyage patterns and quantity, carrier vessels' flag state patterns, the spatial distribution of potential transshipment on the high seas, and the port visit locations by carrier and flag states. The report also found that many carrier vessels did not transponder on AIS, leading to significant gaps in data on unreported transshipment events. Ultimately, the WCPFC’s management of transshipment in its Convention area is compromised by a lack of reported information on transshipment, coupled with non-compliance with reporting requirements and non-standardized reporting responses by CCMs on carrier vessels and their activities.

Transshipment: A Closer Look, An in-depth study in support of the development of international guidelines

The Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) requested an in-depth study of transshipment to develop international guidelines based on best practices. The FAO fisheries operations and technology branch took up the assignment and began its work in 2019. The team conducted a global study to shed light on current regulations, practices, and control of transshipment to assess the status quo. The study was finalized in 2020 and provides the most comprehensive foundation (based on a risk-based approach) for the development of international guidelines on transshipment, highlighting areas of persistent and emerging concern.

Tuna Compliance Network: A Partnership for Sustainability

The Tuna Compliance Network (TCN) was established to facilitate communication and cooperation between officers responsible for compliance and experts in Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance. Implementing Conservation and Management Measures, specifically for highly migratory species like Tuna, can be challenging for RFMOs; however, as an informal network, TCN provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of information to take place between tuna RFMOs.

PEW Second Virtual Expert Workshop on Best Practices in Compliance In RFMOs: The Role of Transparency in Improving RFMO Compliance

This paper reports on the Second Virtual Expert Workshop on Best Practices in Compliance in RFMOs convened in March 2021 by The PEW Charitable Trust and the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation. The second Workshop focused on the issue of transparency, which was regarded by participants at the first Workshop as a potential driver of improved quality of information, better data exchange internal to RFMOs and among States and RFMOs, stronger verification mechanisms and increased external confidence in RFMO compliance processes.
This report outlines the challenges and potential solutions when considering transparency across the various facets, roles and functions in RFMOs and, in particular, compliance review and assessment processes.

PEW First Virtual Expert Workshop on Best Practices in Compliance in RFMOs: Information Management, Reporting, Compliance Review, and Assessment

The performance of an RFMO can be compromised if members do not comply effectively with the CMMs they have created for themselves. Building on past work to analyze and support improved RFMO compliance mechanisms, in 2020, The Pew Charitable Trusts, in collaboration with the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and other stakeholders, convened an Expert Workshop on Best Practices in Compliance in RFMOs to help identify challenges in RFMO compliance review mechanisms and suggest solutions for addressing these challenges. This report covers the range of ideas presented at the Workshop.

Compliance Assessment in the Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations - A Comparative Review

The assessment of the implementation of, and compliance with, agreed obligations is a key component of the internationally accepted fisheries governance regime. To fulfill the objectives of the tuna RFMOs, participants must implement and comply with a range of RFMO obligations. All the tuna RFMOs have recognized a need for a structured process to assess the implementation of, and compliance with, obligations and have adopted compliance assessment processes. Compliance assessment processes provide a framework to assess implementation and compliance in a structured and consistent way and may identify trends in compliance over time. Compliance assessment processes seek to improve the performance of an RFMO and to support participants to better meet their obligations.

Unregulated Fishing on the High Seas of the Indian Ocean: The impacts on, risks to, and challenges for sustainable fishing and ocean health

This report presents the first study to use automatic identification system (AIS) data to examine the risks of unregulated fishing to ocean health. It also addresses the challenges faced by decision makers and regional management bodies to tackle unregulated fishing on the high seas of the Indian Ocean within the context of a failure to date to sustainably manage this global commons. The study discusses two institutional features that contribute to unregulated fishing on the high seas of the Indian Ocean: the gaps in spatial areas of competence and the gaps between the groups of species covered by regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs).