In 2006 reports put the worldwide value of IUU catches at between $4bn and $9bn per year, including at least $1bn/yr for sub-Saharan Africa. This repo...
This guide helps authorities to determine whether fish has been caught with illegal methods, what evidence would be required in the event of a crimina...
This paper measures the extent to which RFMOs apply best practices against IUU fishing and pointing to the remaining gaps in an effort to inspire RFMO...
This document presents the Regional Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing (RPOA-IUU) in the...
The revised Regional Plan of Action to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing (RPOA-IUU) in the FCWC Region, 2019-2023, is based on outcomes of eval...
This document reports on the outcome of the IMO Sub-regional meeting on maritime security, piracy and armed robbery against ships for Western Indian O...
The study considered the involvement of the fishing industry or the use of fishing vessels in trafficking in persons (Chapter 2); smuggling of migrant...
Every two years, NMFS delivers this report to Congress in fulfillment of its statutory requirements under the High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Pr...
This paper identifies the progress achieved by individual countries in implementing internationally recognised best policies and practices against ill...
The paper presents practical recommendations for worldwide best practices to address organised crime in fisheries, emphasising the need for a shared u...
This report documents an analysis of port States visited by fishing vessels using forced labour. The report highlights the need to maximize anti-traf...
This article describes an analysis of the Port State Measures to combat IUU fishing activities. The authors note the PSMA is only one tool available ...
This Blue Paper was prepared as input to the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, this paper provides scientific and policy background as...
This report explores the environmental impacts caused by the continued use of driftnets to catch swordfish and tuna in the Mediterranean this is despi...
The paper summarises the major drivers of IUU fishing such as; weak governance, economic incentives, and barriers to enforcement and highlights three ...